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阿立指南 生活指南 2022-08-22 23:08:10 74 0


1865年,诺基亚创始人弗雷德里克·艾德斯坦(Fredrik Idestam)在芬兰的“诺基亚河”沿岸创建了一家木材纸浆厂,取名诺基亚。1922年诺基亚的近邻、生产高统皮套鞋和轮胎的芬兰橡胶厂与制造电力电话电缆的芬兰电缆厂合并。1960年,已经发展成为纸张、橡胶、电缆等综合性生产企业的诺基亚,在电缆厂成立了电子部,以光线电传输为发展核心。当时,半导体技术正从实验室走向产业化,今天的诺基亚便由此奠基。

1967年诺基亚与合并后的芬兰橡胶电缆厂联后组建诺基亚集团。该集团对电子工业进行了大量投资。1992年奥利拉执掌诺基亚公司。他将公司业务重点放到电信业,推动了GSM标准制式电话的生产。1994年诺基亚公司股票在拍纽约股票交易所上市。1996年诺基亚公司卖电缆及彩电生产业务,并在移动通信领域取得飞速发展。1998年生产出第一亿部移动电话,成为世界最大移动电话生产商。 1992年,当时诺基亚已由造纸、橡胶、电缆等传统型工业转变为一个经营计算机、电消费品和电信产品的高科技集团公司。但公司转型之初,经济上出现了亏损,新任总裁约玛-奥利拉响亮地提出:"未来将属于通讯时代,诺基亚要成为世界性电信公司。"这位首席执行官一上任就推出了以移动电话为中心的专业化发展新战略。将造纸、轮胎、电缆、家用电子等业务或压缩到最低限度,或出售,或独立出去,甚至忍痛砍掉了拥有欧洲最大电视机生产厂之一的电视生产业务,集中90%的资金和人力加强移动通讯器材和多媒体技术的研究和开发。诺基亚的决策者以其对移动通讯行业发展趋势的敏锐把握,抓住了这个绝佳时机。当别的公司还在加强模拟技术的研究时,诺基亚操作简便的数字移动电话已准备就序。这些电话经过专门处理,能适用于全球范围内的不同频率和标准。恰在此时,正如诺基亚所预料的那样,世界移动电话的需求量进入了一个高速增长的时期,早已为此作好充分准备的诺基亚实现了飞跃。 诺基亚公司








从2003年下半年开始,诺基亚进行全球机构重组,中国的战略地位进一步凸显,不仅是诺基亚重要的生产和研发基地,还是诺基亚全球客户及市场运营五大战略市场之一。诺基亚是提供真正端到端移动通信解决方案的领先的供应商。2003年,诺基亚GSM 终端和网络市场销售的总和取得中国第一。从2004年开始,诺基亚移动电话凭借丰富创新的产品系列、深入的本地化战略、成功的渠道建设以及不断提高的品牌忠诚度,赢得了中国整体手机市场的第一名。


诺基亚公司简介(美国诺基亚公司简介) 第1张



1865年,诺基亚创始人弗雷德里克•艾德斯坦(Fredrik Idestam)在芬兰的“诺基亚河”沿岸创建了一家木材纸浆厂,取名诺基亚。1922年诺基亚的近邻、生产高统皮套鞋和轮胎的芬兰橡胶厂与制造电力电话电缆的芬兰电缆厂合并。1960年,已经发展成为纸张、橡胶、电缆等综合性生产企业的诺基亚,在电缆厂成立了电子部,以光线电传输为发展核心。当时,半导体技术正从实验室走向产业化,今天的诺基亚便由此奠基。






2003年,诺基亚在中国的销售额为20亿欧元,出口额为17亿欧元,连续三年位居中国移动通信行业外商出口企业之首,过去四年累计出口额达80亿欧元。截止到2003年底,诺基亚在中国的投资总额为17亿欧元。2003至2004年,诺基亚连续两年被《经济观察报》评为中国最受尊敬的企业; 2004年,在《财富》中文版发起的首次“中国最受赞赏的公司”的评比中,诺基亚入选前十名企业。











In 1865, Nokia • Aidesitan founder Frederick (Fredrik Idestam) in Finland, "Nokia River" along the creation of a wood pulp factory, named Nokia. Nokia's neighbors in 1922, the production of leather shoes and high integration of Finland rubber tire manufacturing plant with the power cable telephone cable factory in Finland merger. In 1960, has developed into a paper, rubber, cable companies, such as integrated production of Nokia, the cable factory was set up in the electronics division to light electric transmission for the development of the core. At that time, the semiconductor technology from the laboratory to industrialization, which will be Nokia's foundation.

Nokia 1967 with the merger of Finland rubber cable plant after the formation of the Joint Group of Nokia. The group of the electronics industry made significant investments. In 1992, Ollila, Nokia's head. He will focus on the company's business in the telecommunications industry to promote a standard GSM phone standard production. 1994 Nokia shares on the New York Stock Exchange. Nokia 1996 auction and cable TV production business, and mobile communications in the field of rapid development. Di Yiyi in 1998 to produce mobile phones has become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer.

In 1992, when Nokia has been paper, rubber, cables and other traditional industries into a computer to operate, electricity and telecommunications products, consumer goods and high-tech group. However, the company at the beginning of transition, there have been economic losses, about the new president, Ma - Ollila loudly: "The future will belong to the era of communications, Nokia is to become a global telecommunications company." The chief executive took office on the one introduced To mobile phones as the center of the professional development of the new strategy. The paper, tires, cable, home electronics, such as business or kept to a minimum, or sold out or stand-alone, or even have to bear the pain of the cut Europe's largest TV manufacturers, one of the television production business, focused on 90% of the funds and To strengthen the manpower of mobile communications equipment and multimedia technology research and development. Nokia's decision-makers with its mobile communications industry's sharp grasp the development trend and seize the best opportunity. At a time when other companies also strengthen the simulation technology, Nokia's easy to operate digital mobile phone is ready to order. These specially to deal with telephone, be able to apply on a global scale and frequency of the different standards. Appropriate at this time, as is expected by Nokia, the world's demand for mobile phones have entered a period of rapid growth, has long been the readiness to achieve a leap in Nokia.

In 1992 before the communication is only 13 Nokia diversified in a project, accounting for about 15% of the total turnover. In the first half of this year the completion of Nokia's sales of 8,647,000,000 U.S. dollars, more than 90% from communications. At present, Nokia's global mobile communications market share of close to 30% and become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer. Nokia can provide users with advanced solutions and wireless, wireline telecommunications products, including mobile and fixed networks, mobile phones and other voice, data, video terminals. Its research and development center to open in the future technology to provide users with more value-added services. Nokia is currently in the field of development, including third-generation wireless systems, multi-media network applications and network management solutions, and so on. It is forecast through to meet the needs of customers and improve product quality, enhance public and open a new concept, and other means to maintain its fast-growing telecommunications market leading position.

[Edit] Nokia in China - walk hand in hand to create a better future

Adhering to the "walk hand in hand to create a better future," the purpose of the Nokia and local partners in China to build long-term development and is committed to being the best partner. From the 1950s onwards, Nokia and China on the establishment of trade relations. In 1985, in Beijing, Nokia opened its first office in China began in the early stages of development; the mid-90's, Nokia, through the establishment of joint ventures in China and realize the localization of production, and gradually developed into its Nokia the world's major production Base; the new century, through the Nokia strengthen cooperation with China in the latest communication technology in the field of close cooperation, deeply involved in China's information industry development, and will further build China into Nokia's global R D and human resources base.

In 2003, Nokia's sales in China to 20 billion euros and exports 1.7 billion euros for the third consecutive year ranked Chinese mobile communications industry's first foreign export companies in the past four years, with exports amounting to a total of 8,000,000,000 euros. As of the end of 2003, Nokia's investment in China amounted to 1,700,000,000 euros. From 2003 to 2004, Nokia has been two years in a row, "the Economic Observer reported that" as China's most respected enterprises; in 2004, in the "Fortune" for the first time launched the Chinese version of "China's Most Admired Company" in the rating, Nokia Selected the top ten enterprises.

From the beginning of the second half of 2003, Nokia's global restructuring of China's strategy to further highlight the status is not only important to Nokia's R D and production base, Nokia is the world's customer and market operations one of the five strategic markets. Nokia is to provide a real end-to-end mobile communication solutions for the leading suppliers. In 2003, Nokia GSM terminals and network markets China to obtain the sum of the first. Beginning in 2004, Nokia mobile phones with rich and innovative product line, in-depth localization strategies, successful channel construction, as well as increasing brand loyalty, China won the overall mobile phone market first.

In the continuous exploration and innovation, globalization and the mode of operation with Chinese characteristics, combined with the management process, the Nokia brand in China's rising strength, as a good employer of its position to attract a lot of excellent local talent. Nokia has changed from 20 years ago, only a dozen of the Beijing representative office, have become all over the country's dozens of offices, four of the six R D and production base, more than 6,000 employees of multinational enterprises in China . Nokia as a good corporate citizen, to continue to contribute to the development of China.

[Edit] vision

Nokia is a global mobile communications leader. With its wealth of experience and innovative technology, products and solutions, as well as user-friendly features, reliability and quality, Nokia not only become the world's leading mobile phone supplier, but also mobile and IP networks, a leading provider of.

Nokia's success is mainly due to its focus and emphasis on product innovation, customer satisfaction unique corporate culture, and through the creation of a high degree of trust, an independent environment for the staff to provide personal and career development opportunities for staff to stimulate potential.

Nokia by the two major business groups: Nokia Mobile Phones and Nokia Networks. In addition, Nokia, including an independent venture capital and corporate R D institutions: Nokia R D center.

[Edit] strategic vision

Nokia's overall goal is to operate in the field of mobile communications through the profit model to capture new business opportunities in order to strengthen our leading position in the world. This means that we have to establish a strong brand and expand its customer base to ensure the quality of products and services as well as all companies can improve their future business potential of the elements.

In the field of mobile phones, Nokia is committed to the development of new product categories at the same time, continue to introduce new features and new features. A number of advanced applications, such as multimedia messaging service, access and download content, such as mobile browser in a variety of Nokia products that have been used. In the network business, Nokia is to provide the development of new mobile applications and services required for high-speed, high capacity systems and business investment.


诺基亚公司(Nokia Corporation)是一家总部位于芬兰埃斯波 ,主要从事移动通信设备生产和相关服务的跨国公司。





2013年1月24日晚间,诺基亚年度财务报告宣布在2012年发布的808 Pure View将是公司最后一款以塞班系统为平台的手机,标志着塞班系统正式走向消亡。但塞班的支持服务会一直持续到2016年,因为塞班公司赋予诺基亚的根CA证书将于2016年1月5日过期。




诺基亚公司是一家总部位于芬兰埃斯波 ,主要从事移动通信设备生产和相关服务的跨国公司。诺基亚成立于1865年,以伐木、造纸为主业,逐步向胶鞋、轮胎、电缆等领域扩展。后发展成为一家手机制造商,以通信基础业务和先进技术研发及授权为主。

2011年2月11日,诺基亚与微软达成全球战略同盟并深度合作共同研发Windows Phone操作系统。面对新操作系统的智能手机的崛起,诺基亚全球手机销量第一的地位在2012年第一季度被三星超越,结束了长达14年的市场霸主地位。




截止到2003年底,诺基亚在中国的投资总额为17亿欧元。2003至2004年,诺基亚连续两年被《经济观察报》评为中国最受尊敬的企业; 2004年,在《财富》中文版发起的首次“中国最受赞赏的公司”的评比中,诺基亚入选前十名企业。






2011年2月11日,诺基亚与微软达成全球战略同盟并深度合作共同研发Windows Phone操作系统。面对新操作系统的智能手机的崛起,诺基亚全球手机销量第一的地位在2012年第一季度被三星超越,结束了长达14年的市场霸主地位。诺基亚未来将努力发展Here地图服务、解决方案与网络(NSN)和领先科技三大支柱业务。

2014年4月25日,诺基亚完成与微软手机业务交易,将设备与服务业务出售给微软退出手机市场;同日,诺基亚任命拉吉夫·苏里(Rajeev Suri)担任诺基亚总裁兼CEO。2014年11月18日,诺基亚正式发布第一款Android平板电脑(Nokia N1),之后诺基亚将致力于移动网络基础设施软件和服务、测绘导航和智能定位、先进技术研发及授权。


2020年3月20日,HMD于英国伦敦举行了手机线上发布会,共发布诺基亚四款新品,包括其首款5G手机Nokia 8.3 5G,中端机Nokia 5.3,低端机Nokia 1.3以及复刻功能机Nokia 5310。



2017年12月,诺基亚应用与分析“AI套件”和基于高级分析的“Are You Well”产品获得Finnsecurity Ry颁发的2017年芬兰安全创新奖。

2017年11月,诺基亚Fastermind(原Comptel Fastermind)在第十届TelecomAsia读者选择与创新奖评选中被评为年度CEM创新奖;同月基于诺基亚AVA的解决方案获得AI和ML技术最具创新性应用和年度人工智能倡议。

2017年10月,诺基亚获得BBWF奖和Ovum工业大会“On The Radar”奖。





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